Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of the group?
The purpose of the group is to provide an ongoing, supportive, and unbiased environment for IT professionals to engage in learning and networking in the Central Illinois region.
How much does it cost to belong to the group?
Membership in the group is free.
Where does the group meet?
The group meeting place will rotate between locations on a bi-weekly basis. We aim to give members and community organizations the opportunity to invite the community to their spaces to spread awareness of their organizations and capabilities by hosting the groups meetings.
How often does the group meet?
The group meets on a biweekly basis on Tuesday mornings from 7:30 - 9:00. The schedule of events is published in the Events potion of this page for reference.
What does the group ask of its members?
The group aims to be an inclusive space who’s leadership, management, and operation is not maintained by any one individual or business, as such, the group asks its members to support the mission by assisting with hosting duties, taking turns developing and leading sessions, and recruiting members who would fit the direction and mission of the group well. Additionally, all members are expected to be supportive of others who are in the group and to foster the goal of being a safe place for learning, development, and networking at all times.